Today was a rather unambitious day. G Money (aka Sweet Cheeks) and I only hiked a few miles and came to rest at the Elkwallow Wayside. What was meant to be a brief stop for lunch turned into an all day affair.
Shortly after lunch, we met up with Mad Dog and Snakebite and sat, conversing while our phones charged. Dark clouds moved overhead, and a light rain began to fall. Not wanting to set out in the rain, we purchased some beverages of the alcoholic persuasion and continued to socialize.
Unfortunately, the day was marked by looming clouds and intermittent rain. Soon the afternoon turned to evening, and we were still at the wayside, when Memphis and Buttercup arrived. So...we all came to peace with the fact that hiking further wasn't in the cards. We purchased more beverages and made a party of it.
I don't think a passing ranger was pleased with our little soiree. He stopped and performed a permit check on every thru-hiker present. We weren't breaking any rules, but I got the distinct impression that we weren't altogether welcome.
As night fell, G Money (aka Sweet Cheeks) and I wandered down a blue blaze trail to find a tent pad. Meanwhile, back at the wayside, the ranger had returned...with a vengeance. From what I understand, he commanded that everyone clear out, demonstrating a particular disdain for thru-hikers. He allegedly stated that the group was bound to break the rules and that everyone needed to disperse before it happened.
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